Monday, May 14, 2012

Moma So Happy Day

The kiddos and I had the best day: Panera and church in the A.M....yummy! Beach, ferry and bar-b-q with wonderful friends in the much fun! More than this Moma could hope cup runneth over.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Funny Valentines

Today, the kiddos and I paid a visit to Sweet Pete's, an all-natural candy store in one of the city's historic districts. I wanted photos of the kids digging into the candy bins, but despite the old home's amazing potential for natural light, all of the curtains were drawn, and the place was like a cave. So the kids picked out their cotton candy flavors and off to the front porch we went. Here's a sampling of my little valentines at their hammiest!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love is in the air.....

Cupcakes and candy, flowers and cupid, sweethearts and kisses! Yes, sappy days are here again, and I have been a busy bee planning and scheduling for the 2012 Valentine Mini Shoots. This year's package will be full of all things sweet, of course. I will be revealing all the heart-y details very soon, so keep a close eye on the Sweet Blog! Here are a few past darlings, lovingly captured.......

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Christmas Carol

Dreaming of Christmas, the G children hear a classic tale told by their sweet mommy in a storybook setting. They are also dreaming of their daddy, on a mission so far away. He won't be home for Christmas this year, sacrificing so that all of us can have a safe and happy holiday with our families. Thank you, servicemen
and women, and your families who give so much!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The "W" Gang Strikes Again!

I always love the arrival of this time of year, mostly for the same reasons that everyone else does. But one thing I love that is unique from others is getting to share in the Christmas traditions of other families. Every year I am invited to photograph one of my favorite families known as the "W" Gang. I told their mommy that I think the reason I enjoy them so much is because they are not afraid to be themselves in front of me, which in turn makes my job easy peasy. I love these kiddos to pieces!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

To Market To Market

Last weekend, Elle Belle & I spent a wonderful, fun-filled weekend with my brother and his sweet girls! We went to Brown's Market, which was all decked out for fall. It turned out to be a great photo opp. The little girls explored all of the sights and smells of the fall veggies, syrups, and candy. The big girls ran after the little ones, trying to snap photos whenever and wherever possible. As for my brother, he just enjoyed watching it all unfold and even got in on a few family pics. It was a day to remember for sure! Check out all the fun here! Don't forget to open the window to full page. Love you guys!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Expecting E

My kiddos are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new cousin in our family - baby boy "E". Can't wait to meet the little guy. He is one lucky little dude to have these two as his parents, and I am convinced he's going to come out rockin'! Love you guys!